Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hovmästarsås sounds like an honorary title.

So  much gravlax at the belated ORAM holiday party yesterday. One of the board members is a super foodie, so she cured a whole salmon's worth of briny, dill-y, caper-y fish, with a little tub of hovmästarsås (I have no idea how to pronounce this fancy pants word, but all it means is dill and mustard united in sanctified matrimony) and little breads. And there was goat cheese souffle (making it with croissants is honestly sinful) and some of the best custard cake I've ever had. The cook was amused at the fact that immediately after greeting her, I brought up how I still remember her awesome Japanese guacamole from two years ago. 

How some people have the ability to host Martha Stewart Living-worthy dinner parties is beyond me. I've been trying to get back into the habit of cooking more for myself, even though this whole hummus and deli meat sandwich thing for lunch and sometimes dinner makes me feel all kinds of healthy. That and letting myself have buckets and buckets of oatmeal with honey drizzles all day. 

A few glasses of tokay and La Fin du Monde later, they sent us on our way with gift baggies of Ansel Adams postcards and a bottle of rosé. I also snagged a hunk of cheese to gnaw and nibble on later.

The gym was a disaster as expected during the fresh nubbins of the new year. Sweaty clusters of people lying on the ground in the free weights area, surrounded by at least three sets of weights, a big towel, food & drink (I love Orangina as much as the next person, but while on a treadmill?). 

Ladies & gentlemen, why do you make it your living room for two weeks of the year and then sheepishly disappear for good by late January? 


  1. gift baggies of postcards?!?! wow. and that sandwich does sound healthy!!!!! fuck

  2. Yeah, it was a whole set of his prints. Random, but could be nice tacked up in a bathroom or something.

    Healthy sandwiches, yes, but I am also eating a leftover bowl of goat cheese souffle at the office too as we speak.
