Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Go back to paving hell with them on January 1.

Making resolutions is silly for the most part, but I still like doing it. So there. I'd like to consider my 2013 ones accomplished :P Here's to a new life in Great Britania!

1) Climb a V7
Last year's goal was to climb just one V6 and I ended up getting five sends under my belt. Emphasis is still on staying injury-free!

2) Read 52 books 
My third year doing this, and I don't think I've regretted making room for reading while waiting for planes, commuting, etc. A quarter of my books were in French, which has been a nice way to brush up on vocabulary. More non-fiction needed though!

3) Write and publish 3 pieces
I decided against doing NaNoWriMo this year, but work gave me the chance to publish a bit about gay refugees in three countries and on what resources can assist them in the Bay Area. Looking forward to writing something about killer robots.

4) Keep in touch with friends & family
Everyone says that moving is tough in the first year, and I don't want to lose the excellent support system I have in the Bay Area. Plan on seeing more blogposts from me, and we will all keep talking, even if it has to be while wearing silly hats on Google Hangout. And come visit in London, even if I'm living in a British hovel! I'll make you some cat food pâté and some shampagne (it's the latest thing, you put a drop of shampoo in a whiskey glass, some cubes of ice, and a few glugs of vodka).

I moved out of the Oakland co-op yesterday. Going to miss that frigid little double room :(

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